it’s our lifestyle

photo by Sierra Lynn Photography

Celebrating our No Coast Lifestyle!

We’re here to celebrate our prairie lifestyle because we LOVE Alberta and the central corridor we call home and know you do too!

Anyone remember this TV theme song?!

The Littlest Hobo was a weekend favourite of mine, and I always think of it as I watch trains go by on the prairies!

I`m definitely watching more for graffiti art these days than if anyone is hitchin` a ride!

This hopper car design is inspired by those graffitied cars traveling across the open Alberta prairie.

BTW we have these toques on for a smok`n deal right now, just $5!

#LittlestHobo #MaybeTomorrow #HopperCar #GraffitiArt #Trains #BestOfAlberta #NoCoast #ItsOurLifestyle

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These winter months can be HARD!

But they also provide a great opportunity to reflect and reset.

As I continue to work on my own path forward, I`ve been getting my steps in outside to breathe a little deeper, seek a little more clarity and to remind myself that I am in charge of change.

On this Blue Monday, I just wanted to pass along a little reassurance mainly to myself but thought I would share here are capable of hard things and everyday is a new opportunity to take another step towards who you want to be.

And if you need an ear to listen, mother nature is always there.

#BlueMonday #PathForward #LittleSteps #SeekClarity #ClearYourMind #GetOutside #BestOfAlberta #Reset #PathForward

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Nothing trumps a good sunrise!

It`s always such a reassurance to me that life is good and everything will be ok.

Today`s Photo Friday Feature Shot!

Remember to shoot us your adventure shots, favourite places, or photos rockin` our merch! 📸

#Sunrise #LifeIsGood #EverythingIsOk #PhotoFriday #FeatureShot #BestOfAlberta #TakeItIn

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I don`t know about you, but man, these winter months have me longing for an escape, and there`s just something about that mountain air!

If you need some mountains close to your heart on the daily, you definitely need a mountain fleece or mountain lid in your life.

Use promocode MOUNTAIN for 15% off ALL of our mountain merch!
*valid `til January 21st

#MountainsAreCalling #MountainAir #Fleece #Hats #MountainSavings #BestOfAlberta #NoCoast #ItsOurLifestyle

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I love that it`s hat weather year round in Alberta - definitely been enjoying these warmer temperatures, and so have my kids!

Did you know we offer kids fits in the majority of our designs?!

We get asked often what age they fit. Head sizes do vary with some adults able to wear kids` fits, and some toddlers rock`n adult hats.

My daughter is 6 and pretty much ready for an adult hat. For the most part, kids` fits are great for toddlers, and up, they are all snapback`s, so you`ve got some room to adjust!

#HatSeason #AllYearLong #BestOfAlberta #Hats #Lids #PrairieLife #NoCoast #ItsOurLifestyle

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📣 Low Stock Alert!

We`re thrilled you`ve been loving on one of our original designs that`s a little different than all the rest.

The prairie sentinel, the grain elevator. This design inspired by the grain elevators still standing in Nanton, Alberta.

Would you like to see this design on a hat?!

In the meantime, if you dig this T, snag one, they`re almost gone!

#BestOfAlberta #PrairieSentinel #GrainElevator #NantonAlberta #PrairieLife #NoCoast #ItsOurLifestyle

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